WasteNot Compost is the nation’s only zero-emissions compost collection service for homes, businesses, and events.
WasteNot began in 2015 out of a kid’s desire to do better. While lugging his sixth bag of trash to a cafe’s dumpster, he knew there was a simple solution: composting. Out of necessity, WasteNot started as a zero-emissions company, utilizing a bike & trailer to service members across the city. As membership soared, the kid and his best friend joined forces to maintain their commitment to sustainability. They aimed to deliver a sustainable service — sustainably. WasteNot went from operating on a bike to a 100% electric fleet, allowing all WasteNot members to Compost Without Compromise™.
Grown from humble beginnings, WasteNot has become Chicago’s leading compost collection provider, the largest electric fleet owner in Illinois, and has been ranked the #1 compost collection service in the USA three years running.